Vegan Beer

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BY hemron/ 28 Feb 2022

Vegan Beer

There are millions of people all over the world that identify as vegans. This has had a surprising effect on the way food and beverages are made today. Speaking of drinks, beer is one of the most beloved categories there is. The world of beer is wide, this is why when you browse through our website, you will find insightful content such as beer reviews and other beer facts you didn’t know about.

Vegan Beer Guide

In essence, most beer is vegan if you consider that it is made from plants. With more people choosing the vegan lifestyle, brewers are now making vegan-friendly beer to quench the thirst of the masses. This means that they do not use animal ingredients, additives or other processing agents. Every pub you visit now offers vegan beers that are either brewed locally or internationally.
Competition between local brews and imports is stiff since the prior is getting better each day. Some of the big brands that are known and sold internationally include Heineken and Corona. These brands have breweries all over the world and have a firm grip on the market. Independent and small-scale breweries like the Strangford Lough Brewing Company are perfecting the art.

What Lies Ahead

Vegan beer goes to show that innovation is not dead. Their process is constantly being fine-tuned and is ever-changing. The true measure of uniqueness is in the techniques used and the quality of the product. The Strangford Lough Brewing Company is keen on exploring new flavours and styles in pursuit of the perfect brew.